"The Lord your God is with you, He is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, He will quiet you with His love, He will rejoice over you with singing." Zephaniah 3:17

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

"There is a friend that sticks closer than a brother." Proverbs 18:24

I've already mentioned that the boys have been fighting a lot lately...well it's been something else around here. Grant has never had much patience with Blake and Blake is so good at pushing Grant's buttons. On some days it just seems like it's constant fighting and I really have to keep them in separate rooms a lot of the time, which makes me sad. I know this is a normal part of having children, but I never expected it to start this early or be this bad and it's really been bringing me down. It's really the main thing I have to discipline about, "Don't hit your brother...don't touch you brother...don't yell at your brother...your brother had that first, give it back..." and the list goes on and on of the same sentences that I must say hundreds of times a day. Sometimes I think I should just tape record myself saying them and have it permanently playing as background noise in the toy room! They love each other dearly, don't get me wrong, but the moments of "brotherly love" are far out numbered by the moments of "brotherly shove." I think the hideous heat and humidity of August really hasn't helped either, as it's just been too hot to let them go outside and blow off some steam. The break in the heat yesterday was a wonderful gift from God. We were able to go outside all morning and it was so enjoyable. The boys were playing and having a blast together, even hugged a few times! I was so thrilled I was almost giddy! I just kept thinking that maybe their relationship is starting to mature. Ever since Blake was born, I've been praying that he and Grant will be dear friends. My sister is such a dear friend to me, and I want my boys to have that special bond. I have such a yearning in my heart for them to be close and I was praying for them as I watched them giggle and play. Then I started praying that above all, their relationship with Jesus would be the one that they hold the most high, even as their relationship with each other matures and hopefully grows sweeter with time. The verse, "There is a friend that sticks closer than a brother" kept coming to my mind and I started thinking that this was what I wanted my next blog post to be about. Of course, night time came and it just didn't happen. We took off this morning to go spend a couple of hours at my sister's house and surprise, - more fighting while we were there. I was so unhappy with Grant by the time that we left that just the stearn "I'm not happy with you look" I gave him as I was strapping him into his car seat brought him to tears. I felt kind of bad about this, but not really, seeing as I was still SO UPSET with him! I purposely drove around before coming home so that I could cool off a bit. I brought the boys in the house, along with a handful of papers they had sent home with Grant from church that I hadn't had the chance to look at yet. Started sipping my frappe from Mcy D's that I had gotten because I felt I deserved it after all of that, and the first paper I look at is his memory verse sheet. What's the memory verse for this week? You guessed it, none other than Proverbs 18:24!!! There I sat... stunned, with goose bumps and of course tears in my eyes! What a MIGHTY and INCREDIBLE God I serve!


  1. Oh, Sonja!
    Isn't it amazing the ways that God works in the moments like that??!! It is so hard on those days when the kids are constantly fighting like that. I've started making the girls stand and hug each other when they start fighting, because it's gotten to the point where I could just yell at them because I get so frustrated and annoyed. It actually does work pretty well. Not long after they start hugging, their frowns turn to giggles, and my frustration starts to melt. I love reading your blog! I don't know about you, but it seems like since I've started my blog, God has really been working a lot in me, and showing me his greatness in a new way! It seems like He's doing that for you, too! Hugs to you!

  2. Love the photos of Grant and Blake and also loved reading your post. You are doing an excellent job, Sonja. I know, as Sarah mentioned above, that you will gain a whole new perspective of what it means to just be "you" and what your role is in this big ol' world of ours.

    Sarah, I had read your blog earlier today. I attempted to post a comment and I don't know if I did something wrong or what may have happened, at any rate it wouldn't let me post (I don't think, unless somehow it got through!?). Somehow it was deleted...although, it could have very well been something squirrely that I did. No doubt that's it! Aha! Anyway, I enjoyed reading your blog, as well, Sarah. I'll try to get back into it and stay up on both your and Sonja's blogs...it's a neat way of feeling that I'm able to stay in touch in this hectic world we all live in. Like I canNOT even believe that I've never even met Ethan and he's now 6 months old. Unreal?! So, at least this way I can see how you all are doin' and feel like we're staying in touch, somewhat!

    Good luck to you both, Sonja and Sarah! Enjoy your blogging. I had started a blog myself many, many months ago and had somewhere along the line gotten busy and got away from it. But, perhaps one of these days I can pick it back up. Along with my journaling and my book that I had started to write, nearly coming up on two years ago, this November. So many things come along and can get in the way...but writing was and still is a great "release" for me...kind of a stress-reliever of sorts, I guess!!

    My love to you both,

  3. Oh Sonja - I can so relate to your post....I cried many days because of the boys fighting...some days Karl would come home and we all three would be crying. It WILL get better in time. It's just typical siblings right now. Keep up the prayers - that IS what will get you through this phase. I believe God has amazing plans for your little guys...it will be so fun to see what they are down the road. Continue to raise them in a Godly home, praying for them all the time and HE will do the rest. I so enjoy your blog - what an inspiration you are. Love you and your family!

  4. AWESOME! Makes me want to cry too when God speaks to us like that! We forget that He's there with us every minute of every day and knows all that's going on so much so that He sends us the perfect verse at the perfect time just to remind us He's there. =)
